We are surviving! We've been unable to meet of course since Christmas but we still keep in touch every Thursday when Laura phones or texts everyone. We also have some projects on the go. Janet has invited us to submit a piece of work for a mail art project in Germany called "Send Me Your Light". She also asked if any Roamers would like to do some growing and she delivered seeds, plant pots and compost to the people who said they would. Janet also sent a card from us to everyone last week and this has been much appreciated.
We are very much looking forward to being all together again and will return to our base at Breadline as soon as possible, in limited numbers at first, as made possible by our wonderful funders the National Lottery Community Fund.
"Taking time for the day-to-day reveals a quiet place within oneself where tiny glimmers of inspiration and wonder can emerge which, added one to another, become vital nourishment for the future of humanity."
Laura Wild The quotation is part of a longer essay. Click here for the full text and citation. Laura Wild is Roaming's Lead Facilitator and one of its directors.
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November 2023